In honour of the outstanding lifetime achievements of Else Kröner, its founder, the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (foundation) has established a major biennial research prize to be awarded in a specified field of biomedical science. The subject area chosen for 2020 is genome editing and gene therapy in either basic or clinical medical sciences.
The award amounts to EUR 2.5 million, of which EUR 500,000 shall be awarded personally to the recipient and EUR 2 million dedicated to the awardee’s future research.
The candidates must be researchers who have made significant scientific contributions to the field of genome editing and gene therapy and are expected to yield groundbreaking discoveries in the near future. Nominations of younger scientists are strongly encouraged.
Candidate nomination – Nominations need to be accompanied by at least two letters of recommendation from leading researchers in the field from two different countries. The nominators should be heads of research institutes or professional organisations. Self- nominations will not be accepted.
The deadline for nominations for the Else Kröner Fresenius Preis für Medizinische Forschung 2020 is April, 4th 2019. A short-list of candidates will be invited to submit a full research proposal. The award ceremony will take place June, 4th 2020 in Frankfurt.
Nominations should be sent to med.preis2020@ekfs.de with a brief cover letter providing the complete contact details of the candidate and including as enclosures:
- Brief, two- to three-page CV
- List of ten most significant publications, candidate’s name in bold
- A short draft (max. three pages) on the future research programme written by the candidate him- or herself
- Nomination letter: describing the significant scientific discovery meriting the award and the candidate’s potential for continued outstanding productivity (max. two pages)
- Two additional letters of support (from two different countries, max two pages)