Integrated home Based Care in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a low-income country with a population of 6.3 million people. About 400,000 of them are elderly people of whom 4% need institutional full-time care, and over 12 percent need home-based integrated care. Over 180.000 persons with disabilities live in Kyrgyzstan, out of which a significant number of adults and children are in need of home-based social and medical services as well.
The target population in Bishkek receives needs-based social and medical services, and RCSK provides such services in a sustainable way. The population in communities is well-informed about prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases and shares the information with their community members.
100 percent of RCSK engaged staff and volunteers are trained and familiar with home-based care theories and practices;
At least 10 renewed/newly created guidelines are presented to the RCSK staff and volunteers for community work;
At least 7 cooperation agreements reached with local NGOs working in community healthcare in target communities.
- Identification of needs of beneficiaries; update/revision/creation of guidelines for community work
- Strengthening of RCSK’s capacity to provide home-based services
- RCSK uses existing platforms and creates new platforms for announcing and informing about health services
- Training of volunteers, care givers and dependants
With the help of the project, the local health system will strengthen its capacity in provision of targeted home-based medical services with low costs comparatively to institutional care, and a higher efficiency. Also, the project will take load off the emergency care system. Due to this project, the team can pilot, prove and introduce the proposed model as an alternative for older persons, persons with disabilities, palliative patients and patients in need of timely delivery of services related to specific reasons such as post-surgical care.
Kyrgyzstan’s system of social protection and healthcare are delivered separately. The project will introduce a new integrated model, which permits to address most relevant issues of patients/clients in a consolidated and needs-based way. Strengthening the health system comes along with a grown knowledge among those trained and the population in the area.
Here you can find further information.