Wiedereinstieg nach Baby- oder Betreuungszeit erleichtert
Else Kröner Wiedereinstiegsförderung unterstützt Ärztinnen und Ärzte nach familienbedingter Auszeit bei der Rückkehr in Klinik und Forschung
Emergency medical relief for Ukraine scaled up by more than a million euros
Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung uses simplified application process to support non-profit organizations
Research in natural sciences and interdisciplinary cooperation in medicine receive funding
Grants to Else Kröner Schools for Medical Scientists amounting to 3.3 million euros awarded in the areas of immunology, genomics and inflammation.
Berührungsfreie Diagnose soll Krankheiten am Geruch erkennen
Krankheiten wie Mukoviszidose oder Covid am Geruch zu erkennen, ohne Blut abzunehmen, ohne Abstrich und ohne jede Art von Berührung
Medical doctor develops program to treat retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in Guatemala
Dr. Ana Lucía Asturias is being honored with the Else Kröner Fresenius Award for Development Cooperation in Medicine 2024
Innovation and networking
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Microelectronics in Medicine opened in Dresden
Leave of absence from clinical responsibilities: € 250,000 for research to combat cancer, Parkinson’s, skin and neuro-degenerative diseases
Else Kröner Memorial Fellowships awarded to six young medical doctors
Salute to cutting-edge research: EKFS awards Publication Prizes 2024
New approaches to diagnostics and therapy for cancer, as well as for neuro-degenerative and rare diseases
Neue Studie untersucht Peptid-Impfstoff gegen Akute Myeloische Leukämie
Teilnehmen können Patientinnen und Patienten ab 18 Jahren
Cutting-edge research on RNA-based therapies: Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung announces Prize for Medical Research 2025
Submission of proposals until August 28, 2024