
Glutaminyl cyclase as novel target for Parkinson’s disease therapy – Genetic and pharmacologic proof-of-principle

Institutions: Paul Flechsig Institute – Center for Neuropathology and for Brain Research, Leipzig University and Institute for Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Applicants: Prof. Dr. Steffen Roßner, Prof. Dr. Franziska Richter Assencio
Funding line:
Key Projects

Parkinson’s disease is characterized, amongst others, by the deposition of a pathogenic protein in the brain. We recently discovered a particular variant of this protein that might be implicated in initiation and progression of the disease. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of the formation of this protein variant are not yet deciphered. In a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease we would like to reveal the contribution of the potentially implicated enzyme using pharmacologic and genetic experiments. We will employ neurobiological experiments to characterize motor and non-motor memory as well as histological and biochemical methods. The enzyme under investigation could emerge as a novel target for Parkinson’s disease therapy.

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