
In vivo investigations concerning the combinatorial treatment of medulloblastoma with 5-aza-2‘-deoxycytidine, abacavir, and irradiation

Institution: Department of Radiooncology, University of Leipzig
Applicant: Dr. Ina Patties
Funding line:
First and Second Applications
Histochemical AEC staining of Ki-67 (A), nestin (B), CD31(C) of murine medulloblastoma slices.

Medulloblastoma is the most common maligne brain tumor in childhood. Despite radiochemotherapy about 30 % of patients cannot be cured. Moreover, especially in younger children the therapy influences the normal brain development leading to reduction of intelligence quotient and hormonal deficits, for example.

In this project we test a novel innovative therapy of murine medulloblastoma. The efficacy of the used drugs combined with radiation therapy was already shown in medulloblastoma cell lines. In addition, this treatment approach showed no adverse effects on the number of brain stem cells in murine tissue slice cultures.

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