Humanitarian Award before 2016

Der Else Kröner Fresenius Award for Development Cooperation in Medicine – previously the Medical-Humanitarian Award – of the years 2010 to 2014.
Impressions of the award ceremony 2016

Der Else Kröner Fresenius Award for Development Cooperation in Medicine was awarded biennially until 2014. Here you will find the awardees between the years 2010 and 2014.

Award Recipients 2014
  • Prof. Dr. M. Bajbouj, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité Berlin, Trauma therapy for Syrian refugees
  • Prof. Dr. D. Häussinger, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology, University of Düsseldorf, Establishment of an institute for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in the Arsi region of Ethiopia
  • M. Aufmuth, Ein Dollar Brille e.V., Erlangen, OneDollarGlasses – Help for 150 million people
  • Dr. A. Kiefer, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Klinikum Eichsfeld, Kleinbartloff, Establishment of a urogynaecology and gynae-oncology sub-specialisation based on the successful launch of a medical specialist training programme in peripheral Ethiopia



Award Recipients 2012
  • Dr. K. von dem Busche, PONTE project – Treatment of clubfoot in Eritrea, ArcheMed – Ärzte für Kinder in Not e.V.
  • B. Schweitzer, Georg Dechenreiter Wohlfahrts-Stiftung, Irene Salimi Children’s Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Haverich, Hannover Medical School, Development of the Toase Medical Centers in Toase, Ghana
  • Prof. Dr. B. Sponholz, University of Würzburg, Combatting rickets and calcium deficiency in mothers and children in semi-tropical West Africa
Award Recipients 2010
  • Dr. A. Schraml, Aktion Feuerkinder in Tansania, Medical care for children and young people with severe burns and deformities, training of healthcare professionals Rummelsberger Dienste für Menschen
  • R. Bähr, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW), Fight Fistula, Medical care and prevention for fistula patients in Ethiopia
  • M. Grosspietsch, Shanti Leprahilfe Dortmund, Training projects and medical care in a clinic for the poor, for marginalised, sick and elderly people in Nepal