
Tumorspezifische Protein-Signatur des Harnblasenkarzinoms

Institution: Institute of Pathology, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Luebeck Site
Applicant: Dr. med. Franz F. Dreßler
Funding line:
First and Second Applications
Left: Bladder cancer is molecularly diverse. By combination of different methods including high-througput analyses we investigate proteins involved. Right: Dr. F. Dressler, J. Schoenfeld and Biologist O. Revyakina (from left to right)

Bladder cancer is a diverse disease: While tumors in different patients may vary in therapeutic options and prognosis, cancer cells exhibit a broad range of molecular alterations. These offer starting points for targeted diagnostics as routinely performed by the Institute of Pathology under the direction of Prof. S. Perner. The institute is internationally recognized for its research focus on urological tumors.

So far mostly genetic and transcriptomic alterations have been investigated to find features for high risk courses or specific therapies. Together with his team Dr. F. Dressler focuses on a variety of proteins. These molecules are at the heart of cellular function and as such primarily involved in cancer cell activity. In cooperation with PD Dr. M. Kramer and M. Hennig of the Clinic of Urology and the Gemoll Lab for Clinical Proteomics, reproducible workflows are placed at the center of focus. Thus, reliable measurements of these factors shall be enabled in hope of contributing to the personalization of therapy and follow-up.

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