
Reduction of trauma-induced intrusions and amygdala hyperreactivity via oxytocin-augmented psychotherapy and non-invasive brain stimulation

Institution: Division of Medical Psychology, University of Bonn
Applicant: Dr. Dirk Scheele
Funding line:
First and Second Applications
Projektteam vor Setup zur transkraniellen Magnetstimulation

Severe traumatic experiences can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder that is often accompanied by intrusions (i.e. involuntary recollections related to the traumatic experiences). In the project, we use an experimental trauma model to examine if these intrusions after trauma exposure can be reduced by repeated administrations of the endogenous hormone oxytocin in combination with a psychotherapeutic intervention or the modulation of activity in certain brain areas by magnetic stimulation. The long-term goal of this research is to establish innovative prophylactical interventions that can be used to prevent the development of posttraumatic stress disorder after severe traumatic experiences.

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