
Investigation of the influence of breast cancer drugs on HER2 pair formation at the molecular level in individual cells with the aim of finding causes for drug resistance (HERe).

Institution: INM – Leibniz-Institut für neue Materialien
Applicant: Niels de Jonge
Funding line:
Key Projects
Approved drugs for HER2 positive breast cancer lose their efficacy in many patients eventually as drug resistance develops; the causes are not sufficiently known to develop more effective new medicines.

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death for women. Several subtypes exist. We are investigating a particularly dangerous and aggressive strain that overexpresses the growth factor receptor HER2. Approved drugs for HER2 positive breast cancer lose their efficacy in many patients eventually as drug resistance develops; the causes are not sufficiently known to develop more effective new medicines. Our goals are to: A) Establish a new analytical process for cancer research and diagnosis, B) gain new insights into drug resistance, C) optimize the drugs personalized to a patient by analyzing biopsy samples to reduce the risk of drug resistance.

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