Basic Health

Reconstruction of medical infrastructure: Feldsher Midwifery Station

Organisation: German Doctors e.V.
Partner country: Ukraine
Partner organisation in partner country: New Way


Due to the Russian aggression, the midwifery station was completely destroyed. The station was a focal point for pregnant women and infants from Kolychivka and neighboring villages for basic medical care. Three medical specialists worked in the midwife station. They were supported by regular visits from (specialist) doctors. 


The Feldsher Midwifery Station in Kolychivka is restored.



The number of outpatients and inpatients at FMS per month after project completion.


Reconstruction of conflict-disrupted Feldsher midwifery station in Kolychivka village. A contractor with the appropriate licenses will carry out the construction work. The local authorities support the project. The project activities include:

  1.    Announce tender to find a contractor for the construction work 
  2.    Selection of contractor 
  3.    Signing of a trilateral agreement between the local authority (Ivanivska ATC), NW and the   selected contractor
  4.     Construction work (basement repair, wall construction, roof construction, engineering     network installations, interior decoration of the building subject to accessibility requirements     for persons with disabilities)
  5.    Weekly control of construction work by New Way engineer with state certificates for technical supervision of construction
  6.     Transferring Feldsher midwifery station to local authorities, who have committed to put the  facility into operation and further maintain it
  7.    Monthly monitoring reports by New Way to German Doctors

New Way conducted a risk assessment and will continuously monitor project related risks. New Way has a lot of experience with public tenders in the infrastructure sector and has procurement standards in place. NW has a well-established structure as well as necessary qualified engineering to oversee the implementation of the project activities.

There will be monthly progress reports by New Way to German Doctors. If the security situation allows, there will be one monitoring visit by German Doctors. 

The local authorities will be involved in the project development via a written agreement to ensure their participation and involvement. In addition, local authorities are obliged by law to operate and further maintain the facility after project completion.

Special features:

The close cooperation between non-governmental and governmental actors is particularly significant here, as is the fact that reconstruction work, which is still urgently needed under war conditions, is being carried out to ensure the health of mothers and children.