Emergency Medicine & Anaesthesiology

Improvement of training, teaching, practical and therapeutic management in the field of neurosurgical health care in Malawi

Organisation: University Hospital Ulm
Partner country: Malawi
Partner organisation in partner country: Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Kachere Rehabilitation Center, College of Medicine University of Malawi in Blantyre
The German-Malawian Neurosurgery Project Group

Around 18 million people in Malawi are currently treated for neurosurgical conditions by three neurosurgeons. Neurosurgery is a small but essential area of expertise because it makes a significant contribution to emergency care (traumatic brain injury, strokes), cancer therapy (brain tumors, metastases), and pediatric medicine (disorders of the brain water circulation). So far, people in Malawi have received insufficient neurosurgical care.

This project promotes the education and training of students, doctors, nurses and physiotherapists in the field of neurosurgery in order to improve access to neurosurgical health care. All professional groups involved in the treatment path are supported by modern teaching methods (theoretical and practical instruction, eLearning and virtual reality training).

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