
Darimu Podo Control

Organisation: podo e.V. – network for people with podoconisis in Ethiopia
Partner country: Ethiopia
Partner organisation in partner country: Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus & District Health Office
Nurse examining people with podoconiosis

Podoconiose is a neglected tropical disease, which leads to lymph edema, inflammations and reduced mobility and affects 1.6 Mio Ethiopians. Hygiene, socks and shoes are the key to treatment. 

Characteristics of the approach:

1.    Community based self-help groups with 6 monthly meetings; service providers travel
2.    Dialogue on the disease establishes trust
3.    People learn about their health, to prevent service dependency
4.    Practical instruction how to treat themselves builds self confidence
5.    Barriers are reduced by using local environment, local language,
       local transport and working without white coats and gloves
6.    Beneficiaries, although usually poor, share costs, to reduce dependency and preserve dignity
7.    Local production of soap, oil and shoes provides income

Strengths: Positive results after 5 years

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