The 6th Translational Research Workshop held by ForTra gGmbH für Forschungstransfer, a subsidiary of Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung, took place from the 9th to the 10th of September, 2024 at Goethe University Frankfurt in the prestigious Casino hall on its Campus Westend. The workshop addressed medical doctors and natural scientists who concern themselves with the challenges posed by translational research. The focus was placed above all on aspects regarding financing and manufacturing, key factors in bringing a project as quickly as possible from the lab to the clinic. Roughly 200 participants attended the two-day event.
Following words of welcome from Dr. Tanja Dangmann and Prof. Dr. Martin Zörnig, the Managing Directors of ForTra, Prof. Dr. Zörnig began by giving an introduction to translational research projects being funded by ForTra.
The kickoff belonged to Prof. Dr. Andreas Schnitzbauer, CEO, Capreolos GmbH, who has developed a medical app concept accompanied by the attending physician. It involves individualized training programs for people with illnesses prior to surgery in order to reduce the rate of complications. This was followed by Dr. Klaus Wagenbauer, CEO, Plectonic Biotech, who presented a platform technology for cancer immunotherapy based on DNA building blocks as the basic structural framework.
Afterwards, Dr. Gabriele Dallmann (co-founder of the consultancy Biopharma Excellence and member of the ForTra Translation Committee) provided an extensive overview regarding the regulatory prerequisites for a clinical first-in-human study.
An introductory session on GMP-compliant pharmaceuticals production came next on the agenda and included three specialists’ papers – moderated by Dr. Ansgar Santel, Managing Director at the firm Pantherna Therapeutics GmbH. Prof. Dr. Halvard Bönig, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology, Goethe University Frankfurt, lectured on the manufacturing of medical products for cell therapy under GMP conditions. Dr. Klaus Kühlcke, former managing director of BioNTech IMFS, Idar-Oberstein/Germany, Oslo/Norway, shed light on quality aspects during the manufacturing of viral vectors for cell therapy. And Dr. Michael van der Horst, Head of BioProcess Development, Wacker Biotech, augmented the range with a paper on the difficulties of manufacturing active ingredients in an academic research lab to attain a controlled (and approved) production process for materials in clinical trials.
In the next round, Dr. Kerstin Stangier, Head of Corporate Development, BioSpring GmbH, presented the impressive success story of BioSpring as an academic spin-off. A look into the risk-managed innovation strategy at a large pharmaceutical enterprise was given by Dr. Marc-Alexander Mahl, President Pharma, Nutrition and Sustainability, Fresenius Kabi AG.
At the end of the first day, the first keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger from the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg, delighted the audience with a captivating presentation on “Individualizing Immunotherapy.” Using illustrative and to a certain extent not yet published examples, he offered an insight into individualized treatment concepts currently in the early clinical trial phase that already display highly promising clinical data. The dinner that followed featuring barbecue provided the participants with ample time for networking.
Panel discussion on Day 2 (from left to right): Dr. Holger Reithinger (General Partner, Forbion), Prof. Dr. Detlev Riesner (HHU Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, European Business Angel), Dr. Wolfgang Hofmann (Head of Technology and Innovation, Fresenius Group), Dr. Martin Raditsch (Managing Partner, CARMA Fund), Dr. Hubert Birner (Managing Partner, TVM Capital Life Science), Dr. Marianne Elisabeth Maertins (Partner, Apollo Health Ventures)
The second day of the workshop started with an animated round of discussion – moderated by PD Dr. Axel Polack – on the topic of “Project and startup financing with private equity,” which is ordinarily first staked following initial support via public subsidies. The participants received insights into the investor perspective toward the financing of research and product development up to marketability.
In the afternoon, Dr. Jörk Zwicker, ZSP Patentanwälte PartG mbB, addressed issues dealing with patent law. A highly descriptive relevance to practice was provided by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Berdel, Münster University Hospital (UKM), when he reported on the results and hurdles during years spent on implementing the translation of an oncological therapy concept based on tumor vascular destruction – another project funded by ForTra.
Afterwards, Dr. Sven Wagner, Head of Business Development, Sartorius, presented the concept at the Life Science Factory in Göttingen, where he is Managing Director. Dr. Wagner discussed six important success factors for life science enterprises which, from his point of view, contribute decisively to the transfer from the lab all the way to market launch. Prof. Dr. Klaus Cichutek, former president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, Langen, Germany, spoke about the support given by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) during the development of vaccines and biological and biotechnologically produced medicinal products. He made a special point of going into the experience that PEI accumulated during the COVID-19 pandemic and the kinds of conclusions that can be drawn from this.
Additional keynote speakers belonged to the program highlights: Prof. Dr. Dr. Simone Kreth, Walter Brendel Center, LMU Munich, made use of her presentation to discuss the question whether and how chronic inflammations can be treated via a so-called ketogenic diet with a high fat content and low proportion of carbohydrates.
To conclude a long day that had offered a wealth of information, Dr. Jeff Skinner from the London Business School, UK, took his turn at pulling out all the stops and spoke about the sensible use of seed funding in the case of corporate startups in the life sciences sector.
The 6th ForTra Workshop on Translational Research offered once again not only a rewarding array of expert papers and presentations that inspired the audience. The event equally provided valuable and numerously utilized opportunities for exchange among those attending and the speakers.
We eagerly look forward to seeing you again at the 7th ForTra Workshop on Translational Research!