In order to promote a long-term programme to improve the health of children in developing countries (according to the OECD DAC country list), the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung is allocating funding of two million euros.
Every year 5.3 million children under the age of five die worldwide. Most of them in developing countries and because of diseases that are actually easy to prevent and treat.
The aim of the funding is to establish programmes that are self-sustaining in the long term and are characterised by sustainable results. These can – but don't have to – be built on an existing project. The minimum duration of the requested program is five years, the application sum must be between 500,000 and 2,000,000 euros. The programme will be linked to the name of the founder Else Kröner.
Desired components of the program are:
- Sustainable strengthening of health personnel and the local health system
- Improved quality and accessibility of health services
- Networking with other relevant stakeholders
- Innovative approaches and scientific support
Applicants are non-profit, non-governmental organizations as well as universities or university institutions from Germany, which have already done successful work in the project country for several years in close cooperation with local partners and have appropriate organizational structures for successful implementation. At least one partner organisation and one local contact person in the project country must be named.
In a first step, interested applicants are asked to send in an informal draft proposal of up to five pages. It must describe programme objectives including indicators, main activities, the content, timing and financial project planning as well as the previous and existing cooperation in the project region with information on previous donors and funding. A confirmation or at least a declaration of intended cooperation from the local partners and a declaration of consent for the storage of your data must be attached. After a pre-selection by internal and external assessments, selected applicants are invited to send full applications. The funding decision by the foundation will take place in the course of 2021.
Applications can be submitted in German or English language in electronic form until 28 February 2021 to
Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung
The non-profit Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung is dedicated to the promotion of medical research and supports medical-humanitarian projects. With an annual funding volume of around 60 million euros, it is currently the largest medical foundation in Germany.
The EKFS` s mission is to increase knowledge about causes, diagnostics and therapies of diseases.
In the medical-humanitarian field, the EKFS supports direct medical assistance for patients and projects to train health professionals. For this purpose, funding will also be awarded in special tenders on selected topics.