1. The purpose of the foundation is the advancement of medical science and research, primarily in the areas of the research and treatment of diseases, including the development of instruments and preparations, such as artificial kidneys. The foundation may only fund and support research missions of a nature whose findings are accessible to the general public.
2. The purpose of the foundation is furthermore funding and advancement in the training of physicians or of other persons active in medical treatment and medical care, such as in the area of dialysis, as well as funding and advancement of the education and training of exceptionally gifted pupils and students for the medical field and the advancement of public health and public health care.
3. In observance of section 53 of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung, "AO"), the foundation may also serve charitable purposes by supporting persons who are reliant upon the assistance of others due to financial hardship, particularly for their medical care, or as a consequence of their mental, physical or emotional condition, including funding and support for accident victims and relief for them in old age.
4. The foundation may fund and support projects in Germany and abroad.
5. To achieve the purposes of the foundation, the foundation may itself take action and/or engage auxiliary persons in the pursuit of those purposes. The purposes may be achieved in particular through the funding of scientific and research projects, organizing and staging symposia, awarding foundation professorships and fellowships, funding scientific publications, allocating funds for the introduction and/or development of innovative treatments in medicine, as well as for projects aimed at health education and prevention, and access to and/or improvement of adequate health care.
6. The foundation may allocate funds to another corporation or a legal person under public law in accordance with section 58 no. 1 AO for the achievement of tax-privileged purposes. Funds shall constitute any and all assets of the foundation. The allocation of funds to a corporation under private law with limited or unlimited tax liability requires that such corporation itself has tax-privileged status.